This guide is intended to show Procurement Officers how to create a Vendor profile in the eMaryland Marketplace Advantage (eMMA), and start the Onboarding process. Vendors are onboarded to Active status when they’ve been awarded a solicitation in eMMA. To add a Vendor to a contract in eMMA, they must have an ACTIVE profile.
Following these instructions will create a Registered Vendor profile and start the Onboarding process.
IMPORTANT!! Only REGISTERED Vendors who have been awarded solicitations should be onboarded. Vendors only need to be onboarded once. Active Vendor Profiles have gone through the onboarding process.
NOTE: For best results, use the Google Chrome browser to access eMMA.
If you need help at any time, please reach out to the eMMA helpdesk at emma.helpdesk@maryland.gov.
Step-by-Step Instructions
Create a Vendor Profile in eMMA
NOTE: This guide uses diagrams with specific callouts to show required and optional fields in forms. A yellow callout with a red border indicates a required field, while yellow callouts with a black border
indicate optional fields. Letters within the callouts correspond to the explanations below the diagram. A red asterisk (*) indicates a required field in the eMMA interface.
- Access eMMA at https://emma.maryland.gov and log in with your credentials.
NOTE: Depending on your agency, you may only need to click the State SSO Login (Secure Auth) button or the MDOT SSO Login (MSAzure) button and log in with your credentials.
- Click the Vendors tab at the top of the webpage and select the Browse Vendors option.
- Click the X to the right of the Entity filter below the Keywords field.
- Enter the Vendor’s tax ID in the Keywords field and click the Search button. This will return any parent profiles (000 mail code) and child profiles (001, 002,…) related to that tax code. The Vendor is not in eMMA if the search returns no results.
IMPORTANT: If the search returns results for that same tax ID, DO NOT proceed with the next steps to create the Vendor Profile. If you’re not sure how to proceed, reach out to the emma.helpdesk@maryland.gov for help.
- If you don’t see search results from the previous steps, click the Vendors tab at the top of the webpage to open the drop-down menu and select the Create option.
- Enter relevant information in the sections for Company Information. A red asterisk (*) indicates a required field.
- Legal Name (*): Enter the Vendor’s legal business name in this field.
- Company Name (DBA): Enter the Vendor’s company name or Doing Business As (DBA) name in this field.
- Website: Enter the Vendor’s website, if applicable.
- Business Description: Enter a brief but detailed description of what this Vendor’s business does.
- Enter relevant information in the Main Address section. A red asterisk (*) indicates a required field.
- Address (*): Enter the Vendor’s street address in this field.
- Address Line 2: Enter the Suite, Apartment, or Unit number in this field.
- Address Line 3: Enter additional mailing instructions in this field. EXAMPLE: ATTN, C/O, etc.
- Address Line 4: Enter any internal notes from R*Stars here. This field is NOT visible to the Vendor.
- City (*): Enter the city in which the Vendor’s business resides.
- State/Territory/Province (*): Enter the State, Territory, or Province in which the Vendor’s business resides.
NOTE: If you choose Maryland as the state, a new required County field displays below the Postal Code field. Click this field to open the drop-down menu and select the county where the main address is located. - Postal Code (*): Enter the zip code for the Vendor’s business.
- Country (*): This field is prepopulated with the United States. If the Vendor’s business is not in the U.S., then click the field and select the correct country from the drop-down menu.
- Enter contact information in the Corporate Contact Information section.
- Corporate Email: Enter the Vendor’s corporate email address in this field.
- Corporate Phone: Enter the Vendor’s corporate phone number in this field. The format for this is a ten-digit number with no spaces or dashes.
- Corporate Fax: Enter the Vendor’s corporate fax number in this field. The format for this is a ten-digit number with no spaces or dashes.
- Scroll down the page and enter information in the fields for the Tax Information section. A red asterisk (*) indicates a required field.
IMPORTANT!! DO NOT change the fields in the Vendor Hierarchy section. Nothing needs to be done here.- Tax ID Type (*): This field auto-populates with the EIN tax ID type. Click this field and select an option from the drop-down menu to change it, if needed.
- Tax ID (*): Enter the Vendor’s tax ID number in this field.
- Ownership Type (*): Click this field to open the drop-down menu and select the Ownership Type for the Vendor’s business.
- Skip the fields in the Procurement Programs section. These fields are for the Vendor to complete.
NOTE: Information on the Diversity & Programs tab on the left-hand side-panel auto-populates, if that information exists. You don’t need to do anything on that tab. - Click the Save button at the top of the webpage. The page refreshes and the Vendor Profile is created.
The Vendor’s status is now “Registered.” However, this Vendor’s profile is not complete. In order for the Vendor user to access the profile in eMMA, that user must be set up with the profile role of “Vendor Admin” (see next section below).
Assign the Vendor Admin
This process continues from the last step in the previous process. This process shows how to add a contact for a Vendor profile and assign them the Vendor Admin role.
- Navigate to the Vendor’s profile in eMMA, if not already on that page.
- Click the Alert Message, Missing Vendor Administrator Contact, on the right side-panel of the webpage to go to the Contacts page.
NOTE: You can also click the Contacts tab on the left-hand side of the page. - Click the Create New Contact button. The Vendor Contact Management window opens.
- Enter information on the Vendor user who will be the primary contact for that Vendor in the fields provided. The Vendor’s address populates in the Main Address section. You may change those fields if necessary for this Vendor user. A red asterisk (*) indicates a required field.
- First Name (*): Enter the first name of this Vendor user in this field.
- Last Name (*): Enter the last name of this Vendor user in this field.
- Title: Click this field and select a title from the drop-down list that displays.
- Email (*): Enter the email address for this Vendor user in this field.
- Job Title: Enter this Vendor user’s position in the business.
- R*STARS ID: Enter the Vendor’s R*STARS ID in this field, if applicable.
- Phone: Enter this Vendor user’s corporate phone number in this field. The format for this is a ten-digit number with no spaces or dashes.
- Cell Phone: Enter this Vendor user’s cell phone number in this field. The format for this is a ten-digit number with no spaces or dashes.
- Fax: Enter this Vendor user’s fax number in this field. The format for this is a ten-digit number with no spaces or dashes.
- Click the Save & Close button at the top of the window. The window closes and the user is listed under the + Create New Contact button.
- Click the field to the right of the contact, under the Role(s) column, and select both Admin and Primary Contact from the drop-down menu that opens. These selected roles make this user the Vendor Admin.
NOTE: This Vendor Admin can request changes to the Vendor profile and will receive notifications via email regarding solicitations and other required actions in eMMA. You can have more than one Vendor Admin. - Click outside the drop-down list to close it. The selected roles display next to the user.
NOTE: Click the X to the left of the role to remove that role, if necessary. - Click the envelope icon to the right of the contact’s name. The Invitation to log into the application window opens.
- Verify that Vendor Admin checkbox is selected and click the Send Notification button at the top of the window. A message displays confirming that the notification was sent. The Vendor contact receives an email notification from eMMA to log into the application.
- Click the X in the upper left corner of the window to close it. The screen refreshes and the contact now shows as the Vendor Admin on the far right of the entry.
- Click the Save button at the top of the webpage.
- Click the Initiate Setup Process button at the top of the page to move the Vendor profile to the next step.
Set State Agency and Upload Tax Documents
This process continues from the last step in the previous process. In this part of the process you add an agency and required tax documentation, if you have it.
- Click the Agency Selection Required alert on the right-hand side-panel, or click the Qualifications tab on the left-hand side-panel.
- Click the + Add an Agency button. A blank entry line displays.
- Click the blank field below the Agency column to open the drop-down menu and select one agency. If you don’t see your agency listed, click the See All option at the bottom of the menu.
See All opens a window that lets you browse for state agencies in eMMA. Click the plus icons to the left of the organization to see agencies within that organization.
Select the checkbox to the left of the Vendor’s appropriate agency. The window closes and the agency populates in the field. - Click the Save button at the top of the webpage.
- Click the blank field under the Pending Status column and select the Approved option from the drop-down menu that opens.
- Click the Save button at the top of the webpage and click OK in the prompt that displays.
- Repeat Steps 25-29 to add more agencies, if necessary.
- (Optional) The Vendor will need to submit a W9 for their profile. If you do not have the W9, the Vendor will be able to add it themselves later. Skip to Step 32, if this is the case.
However, if you do have the Vendor’s current W9, you may submit it for them. Click the Documents tab on the left-hand side-panel.- Click the plus icon to the left of the listed IRS W9. The Edit document window opens.
- Click the Click or Drag to add a file button to choose a file from your device or drag and drop the file on this spot to add it. The added file displays below this button. Click the X to the left of the document to remove it.
NOTE: You cannot upload documents over 307,200 KB in size.
NOTE: You cannot directly edit documents in eMMA, but you can upload new versions. - (Optional) Add comments in the Comments field at the bottom of the Edit document window regarding the uploaded document. Click the Save button at the top of the window.
- Click the Submit W-9 for Review button at the top of the Edit document window. The Vendor Coordinator will review the submitted W-9 for validity and accuracy.
- Click the Save & Close button at the top of the Edit document window.
- Click the plus icon to the left of the listed IRS W9. The Edit document window opens.
- (Optional –> Read Carefully) If for any reason the preparation process is not successful or you cannot successfully complete additional activities associated with the contract (e.g., debarred Vendor list check, Comptroller Certificate of Standing, or DAT tax clearance), you may decline to proceed further in the process by clicking the Reject Vendor button which returns the record to a “Registered” status.
- Click the Initiate Onboarding button at the top of the webpage, if the Vendor Profile is good to move forward. This progresses the onboarding process.
Upon submission of the profile, a notification is sent to the Vendor requesting the contact to complete the profile and submit the updated profile.
You may want to send the Vendor a link to the instructions to complete their part of the profile. They must complete all steps in the instructions.