What objects do you have under your name in eMMA?
- Business Requests
- Solicitations
- Contracts
- Approval Tasks
These tasks and objects will not automatically go away or transfer to the next person when you leave. You must take steps to ensure that the lifecycles of these contracts and solicitations are cared for after you leave. This Quick Reference Guide (QRG) explains the preparatory steps required to keep things moving in eMMA when you’re moving on.
BEFORE you change roles
Certain switches and transfers happen much more smoothly if done before you make that switch to your new job. This helps the right folks make changes more easily and keep things moving after you’ve moved on.
- Add a new Responsible Team Member to the Team tab in any Business Requests that you are the owner or responsible member of.
- Only the owner of the Business Request can make changes to a Business Request.
- Only the owner of the Business Request can make changes to a Business Request.
- Add a new Responsible Member to the Team tab in any unfinished solicitations. “unfinished solicitations” refers to any solicitations that have not gone through the workflow process. The workflow process is launched by a procurement officer after it is awarded.
- Add a new Responsible Team Member to the Team tab in any active or drafted Contracts in your name. There can only be one RTM. You will add a new RTM and remove your name from the CTR.
- If the contract is published, you will need to create an amendment to this contract to change the responsible team members. This is important, for future renewals, options, and other changes that may occur to the contract after you leave.
- If the contract is published, you will need to create an amendment to this contract to change the responsible team members. This is important, for future renewals, options, and other changes that may occur to the contract after you leave.
- Delegate tasks you’ve been assigned to others within the system.
- Before delegating tasks in eMMA, make sure you communicate with those you intend to make responsible for those tasks. eMMA won’t send notifications to the new delegatees.
- https://mdprocurement.freshdesk.com/en/support/solutions/articles/70000643548-how-and-when-to-delegate-tasks-in-emma
What needs to change when you go to a new department (what helpdesk needs to know):
After You Change Roles
When you get to your new position, find out if you will need to access eMMA as part of your responsibilities. If so, send an email to emma.helpdesk@maryland.gov to open a ticket and have them create you a new profile for your new position.
You will need the following information:
- Your eMMA login name, if your email address changes
- Your Org scope in eMMA
- Your supervisor
- Your new role in eMMA; i.e. Procurement Officer, Fiscal Officer.