This Quick Reference Guide (QRG) is part of a series of guides that show you how to respond to alerts you may see in the eMaryland Marketplace Advantage (eMMA). In eMMA, a blocking alert ( ) indicates that action must always be taken before the approval process can move forward. A non-blocking alert (
) indicates that action must be taken before the approval process is complete but that the approval process may move forward in the meantime.
This QRG shows the steps to take if the following alert appears in the right-hand side-panel of a purchase order you are viewing: “This is a Change Order”
NOTE: For best results, use the Google Chrome browser to access eMMA.
If you need help at any time, please reach out to the eMMA helpdesk at emma.helpdesk@maryland.gov.
What It Means
The above non-blocking alert is informational. It notifies the user that the displayed purchase order is a revised version. The original purchase order is available via a hypertext link.
No action by the user is required. If you have questions, consult with the eMMA helpdesk at emma.helpdesk@maryland.gov for help.