
This Quick Reference Guide (QRG) is part of a series of guides that show you how to respond to alerts you may see in the right-hand side panel of a purchase order you are viewing in the eMaryland Marketplace Advantage (eMMA). In eMMA, a blocking alert ( ) indicates that action must be taken before the approval process can move forward. A non-blocking alert ( ) indicates that action must be taken before the approval process is complete but that the approval process may move forward in the meantime.

This QRG shows the steps to take if the following alert appears: “No valid login for Supplier Contact”


NOTE: For best results, use the Google Chrome browser to access eMMA.

 If you need help at any time, please reach out to the eMMA helpdesk at emma.helpdesk@maryland.gov

What It Means

This alert displays when the user selected in the Vendor Contact field has not been invited to log in to eMMA or does not have a valid email address in the system.

Header section of a PO with Vendor Contact field highlighted in a box.


The user profile selected in the Vendor Contact field must be updated in the system. You must make certain the email is correct for the user in their profile, and you must invite them to log in to eMMA.

Notifying the Supplier Contact

Follow these steps to notify a vendor contact to log in to eMMA and update if necessary:

  1. Navigate to the Purchase Order in eMMA.
  2. Click the link icon on the right side of the PO Vendor field. A popup window displays with the Vendor’s profile.
    Purchase order displayed, with link to PO Vendor highlighted in a box.

  3. Click the Contacts tab in the left-hand side-panel to display the Internal Contacts section.Vendor Profile/Supplier Overview is displayed, with Contacts link highlighted in a box. 
  1. Review the contact information provided for the user selected to be the Vendor Contact for the PO.
  2. Follow these steps if there is no email address in the Login column. Otherwise skip to Step 6.
    1. Click the Edit (pencil) icon for the vendor contact whose email address you need to supply or update. The Vendor Contact Management popup window displays.
      Vendor Contacts section displayed, with Edit (pencil) icon for one contact highlighted in a box. 
    2. Type a working email address in the Email field.
      Vendor Contact Management popup window is shown, with Email field highlighted in a box.

    3. Click the Save & Close button.

  3. Click the Request (envelope) icon to the right of the contact selected in the PO to open the Invite a vendor contact to login window.
    Contacts page is displayed, with Vendor Contacts list shown. Request (envelope) icon of one contact is highlighted in a box.

    Star with solid fillPRO TIP:
    You can edit the body of the email that is being sent to the invitee in the Notification body section. Just make sure that you DO NOT edit the blue links in the body of the email.

    Invitation to log into the application window is shown. Notification body text is highlighted with a box.


  1. Click the Send Notification button at the top of the window to invite the vendor contact to create a login user ID and password for eMMA.
    Invitation to log into the application window is shown. Send Notification button is highlighted with a box.

    NOTE: A notification displays at the top of the screen indicating that your notification has been sent to the contact.

    Message "The invitation to register has been sent to the contact" is displayed and highlighted in a box.


Your vendor contact can now log in to eMMA. Please make sure your contact checks Spam and Junk email folders if they don’t see the email in their Inbox.