
This Quick Reference Guide (QRG) is part of a series of guides that show you how to respond to alerts you may see in the right-hand side panel of a voucher (invoice) you are viewing in the eMaryland Marketplace Advantage (eMMA).

In eMMA, a blocking alert ( Blocking alert ) indicates that action must always be taken before the approval process can move forward. A non-blocking alert ( Non-blocking alert ) indicates that action must be taken before the approval process is complete but that the approval process may move forward in the meantime. This QRG shows the steps to take if the following alert appears: “Invoice lines do not match invoice total”

Alert message reads: "Invoice lines do not match invoice total"

NOTE: For best results, use the Google Chrome browser to access eMMA.

If you need help at any time, please reach out to the eMMA helpdesk at emma.helpdesk@maryland.gov

What It Means

This non-blocking alert appears when the voucher you are viewing shows a misalignment between the sum of

  • the respective amounts on the line item(s)
  • the Total Amount field.

Such a discrepancy may occur, for example, after partial or incremental payments are made.

The alert will first appear when the voucher is in Draft status.

Portion of Invoice shown, with Amount and Total Amount highlighted in boxes.

Find the Discrepancy

  1. Navigate to the voucher. The Voucher tab displays.
    Standard invoice is displayed, with Voucher tab in left-hand panel highlighted in a box.

  2. Scroll down to the Voucher Items section.
    Standard Invoice is displayed, with Voucher Items section showing.

  3. Scroll to the right until you see the dollar amounts in the line items and look for discrepancies. In the example shown, the Amount at the top is $410.26, whereas the Total Amount (Excl. Tax) is $137.46.

    This is the reason we see the alert message.
    Excerpt of Voucher Items section shown, with dollar amounts in Amount and Total Amount (Excl. Tax) fields highlighted in boxes.

The Solution

This is a non-blocking alert, so the voucher can be processed despite the error. However:

  • If the voucher is still in Draft status, you can still adjust dollar amounts on a case-by-case basis so they align in all line-item fields. A best practice is to make sure the amount on the invoice is also the amount keyed into the system.

In the case of the above discrepancy, the Total Amount was in fact the total amount on the invoice.

  • If the voucher is beyond Draft status (but before OK2Pay status) and is awaiting approvals, the approver will need to send the voucher back to Draft status for edits to be made.

IMPORTANT!! You cannot edit or cancel any invoice that has passed the OK2Pay status.

 If you need assistance, please reach out to the eMMA helpdesk at emma.helpdesk@maryland.gov.