This Quick Reference Guide (QRG) is part of a series of guides that show you how to respond to alerts you may see in the right-hand side panel of a purchase order you are viewing in the eMaryland Marketplace Advantage (eMMA). In eMMA, a blocking alert ( ) indicates that action must be taken before the approval process can move forward. A non-blocking alert (
) indicates that there is missing information or a mismatch based on the data entered but that eMMA will still let you complete the transaction.
This QRG shows the steps to take if the following alert appears: “You cannot close a PO with a Voucher still in progress of being approved.”
NOTE: For best results, use the Google Chrome browser to access eMMA.
If you need help at any time, please reach out to the eMMA helpdesk at emma.helpdesk@maryland.gov.
What It Means
This proactive alert displays on a purchase order whenever you have vouchers in progress for that PO--anywhere from submission to the final settlement step. The system will not allow a purchase order to be closed if pending payment activity remains. This alert does NOT block you from creating new vouchers or receipts against the PO.
The instructions below show you how to determine what needs to happen to move any “In Progress” vouchers forward to a completed status. You may also refer to the following guide if a voucher needs to be cancelled.
Step-by-Step Instructions
Viewing the Voucher
To view the voucher at issue, start by viewing the purchase order.
- Navigate to the purchase order.
- Click the Vouchers tab on the left-hand side-panel. A list of vouchers associated with the purchase order displays, including their statuses.
- Click the Edit (pencil) icon or the Voucher ID or Vendor Invoice No. link to view the voucher. The status of the voucher is noted in the Invoice Status column on the right.
IMPORTANT!! You cannot cancel invoices that have passed the integration step. Check the workflow tab on the invoice. If the invoice is past the point of OK2Pay, it’s too late to cancel the invoice.PRO TIP: You can see the status of the invoice to the right of the voucher line, under Invoice Status. The purchase order can be closed once all invoices have been paid or canceled if needed.
- To view the workflow and the approvals history, click the Workflow tab on the left-hand side-panel.
The voucher’s workflow diagram and approval history display. Here you can quickly determine whose action is pending for the voucher. A series of colored dots in the approval history indicate the workflow steps and their progress.
- A green dot means approved.
- An orange dot means where an action needs to be taken.
- A red dot means the invoice was rejected.
In the Approval History section below, you can see the orange dot on the line for the Supervisor (Contract Manager) Approval step. This means that person listed needs to take action: either approve or reject the invoice.
If the approval process for a voucher appears to be “frozen,” you can take either of the following actions:
- Contact the person whose action is needed and remind them that a voucher is still awaiting their approval.
- If you need to cancel the voucher, click the Vouchers tab on the left-hand side-panel to view it. Click the red Cancel Voucher button at the top of the voucher. A subsequent window asks you to provide the reason for the cancellation. Cancellation might be appropriate in case of duplicate or erroneous entries, changes in funding sources, or directions by the supervisor to cancel the voucher.
IMPORTANT!! You cannot cancel invoices that have passed the integration step in the workflow.
If you need help at any time, please reach out to the eMMA helpdesk at emma.helpdesk@maryland.gov.