
This guide is intended to show internal users the contents of a typical Vendor record in eMMA, such as the Vendor’s address, Tax ID, contact names, and other Vendor information. It also shows how to search for records of Vendors in diversity programs and with specific NAICS codes.

Star with solid fillPRO TIP: It is a best practice to first search for a Vendor using the Browse Vendors page and the tax ID to return the most accurate profile.

NOTE: For best results, use the Google Chrome browser to access eMMA.

If you need help at any time, please reach out to the eMMA helpdesk at emma.helpdesk@maryland.gov.


This QRG assumes you have already retrieved a Vendor record in eMMA. If you need to find a Vendor record, see the QRG Internal Search for a Vendor in eMMA.

Understanding Vendor Record Features

This section highlights some of the key features of Vendor profiles and includes navigation tips.

  • Record the Vendor’s eMMA Vendor ID (beginning with “SUP”), shown at the top of the page. Use the eMMA Vendor ID wherever you need to add a Vendor in eMMA to a contract, purchase order, or other item. 
    A screenshot of the Vendor record number highlighted.  
  • On the Vendor record, click the Company Info tab on the left-hand side-panel. Information such as the Vendor’s legal name, status, business description, web address, and other information is displayed.
    A screenshot of the Company Info tab on the left-hand side-panel.
    Star with solid fillPRO TIP: If the Is Remit To Address? checkbox is blank, then the profile you are viewing is the Vendor’s parent/entity site, not the child company site.

    Star with solid fillPRO TIP: A Vendor with Active status can be awarded a contract. A Vendor with Registered status can bid on and be awarded solicitations.

  • Scroll down to the Vendor record’s Tax Information section. Information such as the Vendor’s Tax ID, Tax ID type, and ownership type is displayed.
    A screenshot of the Vendor record tax information like Tax ID type, Tax ID, and Ownership type.

  • Click the Contacts tab on the left-hand side-panel. Information such as the Vendor’s contact name, email address, and eMMA role is displayed.
    A screenshot of the Contacts tab on the left-hand side-panel with a contact's name, login information, and role shown.
  • Click the Qualifications tab on the left-hand side-panel. The Vendor’s commodity codes are displayed.
    A screenshot of the Qualifications tab on the left-hand side-panel with the commodity codes showing.
  • Click the Address & Payment Info tab on the left-hand side-panel. Information such as the Vendor’s Remit-To Address, contact information, and payment method is displayed.
    A screenshot of the Address & Payment Info tab and the address fields shown.
  • Click the Activity tab on the left-hand side-panel. Links to the Vendor’s active contracts are displayed.
    A screenshot of the Activity tab on the left-hand side-panel.

  • Click the Diversity & Programs tab on the left-hand side-panel. The Vendor’s Minority Business Enterprise (MBE) number displays under Diversity & Certificates, if they are MBE certified. Certificate Number and Diversity category are displayed.
    A screenshot of the Diversity & Programs tab on the left-hand side-panel with the MBE number and classification showing. The NAICS code shows at the bottom of this page.

Search for Vendors with Procurement Certifications or NAICS Classifications

This section shows how to search for diversity programs and certifications and how to browse for that information in eMMA.

  1. Click the Vendors tab at the top of the webpage and click the Browse Vendors option from the drop-down list that opens. The Browse Vendors page is displayed.

    A screenshot of the Vendors tab at the top of the webpage and the Browse Vendors option in the drop-down menu that opens.
    1. (Optional) To broaden your search to include “child” companies as well as parent companies, click the X to remove the entity filter.
      A screenshot of the X to the right of the Entity filter.

  2. To restrict your search to Vendors participating in any of several federal and state procurement programs (e.g., the Minority-Owned Business Enterprise (MBE) program), click the filter (funnel) icon in the upper left corner of the page to open the side-panel.
    A screenshot of the filter icon in the upper left side of the Browse Vendors page.

  3. Scroll down to the Diversity & Programs section and click one or more checkboxes to select the applicable program(s). Then click the Search button of the side panel.
    A screenshot of the checkboxes for Federal Programs  and State Programs and the Search button. 
  4. Search results display a list of Vendors that fit your search criteria. Click the Edit (pencil) icon, the code link, or the company name link to access the Vendor record.
    A screenshot of the Browse Vendors page with a list of vendors. The Edit or pencil icon is called out for one vendor.  
  5. Click the Diversity & Programs tab on the left-hand side-panel. Information such as the certificate number, diversity classification, and NAICS classification is displayed.
    A screenshot of the Diversity & Programs tab on the left-hand side-panel with the MBE number and classification showing. The NAICS code shows at the bottom of this page.

  6. To search specifically for Vendors with one or more NAICS classifications, navigate to the Browse Vendors page and click the filter (funnel) icon in the upper left corner of the page to open the side-panel.
    A screenshot of the filter icon on the upper left side of the webpage.

  7. Click the NAICS Code field. A drop-down menu opens. Click See All at the bottom.
    A screenshot of the NAICS code field and drop-down menu in the filter panel. The See All option is called out at the bottom of the drop-down menu.  
  8. In the SIC Code pop-up window that displays, type a keyword (or NAICS code, if known) in the Keyword field and click the Search button in the SIC Code pop-up window.
    A screenshot of the new window for the See All option. The keywords field, the Search button, and the checkboxes for code selection are called out.

  9. Click one or more checkboxes, then click the X in the upper-right corner to close the window.
    A screen shot of the x in the upper right-hand corner of the See All window to close it.

  10. Click either of the Search buttons to run the search. The results display.
    A screenshot of the search buttons; one in the filter panel and one on the webpage.

  11. Click the Edit (pencil) icon to the left of a Vendor record to access it.
    A screenshot of the Edit or pencil icon for a Vendor on the Browse Vendors webpage.

  12. Click the Diversity & Programs tab on the left-hand side-panel. Then scroll down to the NAICS Code & Program section to view the NAICS code(s) assigned to this Vendor.
    A screenshot of the Diversity & Programs tab on the left-hand side-panel of a Vendor profile. The NAICS code section shows a listing of NAICS codes applied to this Vendor profile.