
This Quick Reference Guide (QRG) shows a user with the Vendor Admin role how to submit an Invoice against Purchase Order (PO) for approval in the eMaryland Marketplace Advantage (eMMA).
Star with solid fillPROTIP: It is a best practice to create your Advanced Shipping Notice (ASN) before you create your Invoice in eMMA. If an ASN already exists for this invoice, you do not need to create one. To search for an ASN, click the Orders tab at the top of the screen and select the Manage Deliveries option from the drop-down menu. If you need to create an ASN please use the instructions from the QRG, Submitting an Advanced Shipping Notice in eMMA.

The Orders tab and Manage Deliveries option to browse Receipts.

NOTE: For best results, use the Google Chrome browser to access eMMA.

If you need help at any time, please reach out to the eMMA helpdesk at emma.helpdesk@maryland.gov.


You will need:

  • A PO requiring an Invoice.
  • A scanned/digital copy of your Invoice on your device

Step-by-Step Instructions

Submitting an Invoice Against PO for Approval

NOTE: This QRG uses diagrams with specific callouts to show required and optional fields in forms. A yellow callout with a red border null indicates a required field, while yellow callouts with a black border null indicate optional fields. Letters within the callouts correspond to the explanations below the diagram. A red asterisk (*) indicates a required field in the eMMA interface.                      

  1. Navigate to eMMA at https://emma.maryland.gov and log in with your credentials. Graphical user interface, application
The login fields on the eMMA home screen.

  2. Click the Orders tab at the top of the webpage to open and select the Acknowledge Orders option from the drop-down menu that opens.
    The Orders tab and the Acknowledge Orders option from the drop-down menu.

  3. Use the Keywords field and Search button to find the desired purchase order.

    Star with solid fillPRO TIP: When searching for your PO, don’t enter the “PO” prefix or the zeros before the number. For example, if your PO is PO000022, you’d enter “22” in the Keywords field and click the Search button.
    The Keywords field and the Search button.

  4. Click the Edit (pencil) icon to the left of the Purchase Order ID, or click on the Purchase Order ID link to access the purchase order.
    The edit or pencil icon and PO link to access a purchase order. 
  5. Click the Invoice button at the top of the webpage.
    The Invoice button at the top of the page.

  6. Enter relevant information in the fields for the Invoice Header, Payment information and Orders/Contracts sections. These fields are auto-populated from the purchase order or established voucher. A red asterisk (*) indicates a required field. Some fields will not be editable.
    A diagram of the Invoice fields.
    1. Vendor Invoice Number (*): Enter the invoice number from your invoice in this field. 
    2. Invoice Date (*): Click this field and select the date on the invoice. 
    3. Vendor Remit-To Address (*): Click this field and select the appropriate Remit-To Address from the drop-down menu. 
    4. Order (*): This field is auto-populated from the purchase order. Click this field to change it if necessary.
    5. Contract: This field is auto-populated from the purchase order. Click this field to change it if necessary.
    6. Linked Invoice (credit): Leave this field blank.

  7. Scroll horizontally to the right and click the Click or Drag to add a file button to choose a file from your device or drag and drop the file on this spot to add it.  The added file displays below this button. Click the X to the left of the document to remove it.

    NOTE: You cannot upload documents over 307,200 KB in size.

    NOTE: Only gif, jpg, jpeg, png, pdf, xml format(s) are accepted.

    The Click or Drag to add a file button to upload your invoice.
  8. Adjust line-items as needed in the fields. The total amount excluding tax and total amount including tax is shown to the right in the area below the line-items.  These two lines should be the same amount.A diagram of the fields for a line item.
    1. Item Name: Enter or adjust the name of this item.
    2. QTY: Enter the quantity of the items in this field.
    3. UP Pretax: Enter the Unit Price before taxes are added in this field.
    4. Amnt (pretax): Enter the cost amount of the unit order before taxes are added in this field.
    5. Taxes: Leave this field blank. You will get an error message if you try to save.

  9. Click the Save button at the top of the webpage.
    The Save button at the top of the webpage.

  10. Click the Submit button at the top of the webpage and click OK in the prompt that displays.
    The Submit button.

The invoice is created successfully and sent to the State Agency Requestor for receipt confirmation.

Click the Workflow tab on the left-hand side-panel in case you need to contact State Employees. You can click on a link under the Name column and view contact information for that person. That person’s activity in the Activity column shows you what the invoice status is. The Workflow tab on the left-hand side-panel and the link for the user information.