Dear GOSBA employee,

As previously communicated, we are excited to announce eMaryland Marketplace Advantage (eMMA), the State’s new e-procurement system, is releasing new functionality in the Fall of 2021 that impacts the Vendor Registration and Set-Up Process and ongoing Vendor Maintenance Process. Below are details specific to how this new release will impact employees at GOSBA:

1.1.  SBR/VSBE Admin users in eMMA will see new features to supplier records, including:

1.1.1.   A Supplier Overview tab to show the progress of Supplier’s account from Registration through the Activated state.

1.1.2.   New functionality buttons for Creating a Change Request and Creating a Payment Address.

1.1.3.   New alerts/messages related to the onboarding or change request process.

1.1.4.   New Sections on the Company Information tab: Backup Withholding and Trusted Advisor.

1.1.5.   Agency and Vendor Coordinator assignments on Qualifications and Contacts tabs for Activated Vendors.

1.1.6.   Additional sections for uploads in the Documents tab: Legal Documents and Bank Documents

1.1.7.   Additional workflow steps for onboarding in the Workflow tab.

1.1.8.   A new Interface Status tab to reflect the vendor record’s presence in RSTARS.

1.1.9.   A new Change Request tab to view/access current or prior changes to the vendor record.

1.2. SBR/VSBE Admin users will need to review and understand the general vendor onboarding process should they field questions from vendors.

Additional communications, including training opportunities, will be sent in the coming weeks. If you have any questions regarding this email or the eMMA Project, please contact the eMMA Project Team at

Thank you,

The eMMA Project Team