
This Quick Reference Guide (QRG) is designed to help you add products and service categories to your Vendor profile in eMMA.

NOTE: For best results, use the Google Chrome browser to access eMMA.

If you need help at any time, please reach out to the eMMA helpdesk at emma.helpdesk@maryland.gov..

Step-by-Step Instructions

NOTE: This QRG uses diagrams with specific callouts to show required and optional fields in forms. A yellow callout with a red border A picture containing shape

Description automatically generated  indicates a required field, while yellow callouts with a black border A picture containing text, clipart

Description automatically generated indicate optional fields. Letters within the callouts respond to the explanations below the diagram. A red asterisk * indicates a required field.

  1. Access eMMA at https://emma.maryland.gov.
  2. Enter your credentials in the Login and Password fields
    The Login and Password fields to log in to eMMA. 
  3. Click the General Info. tab at the top of the webpage and select the Company Profile option from the drop-down menu.
    The General Info tab and the Company Profile option. 
  4. Click on the Qualifications tab on the left-hand side-panel.
    The Qualifications tab.

  5. Click the Areas Servicing field and select any counties that apply to your servicing area. If your company serves the whole state, then you only need to select the state.

    NOTE: If this field is already populated with the correct information, you do not need to reenter it.

    The Areas Servicing field.

  6. Click the Save button.
    The Save button.

  7. Click the Commodities field to open the drop-down menu and select appropriate commodities for your project. Enter a term in the Commodities field to populate related commodities. You can also enter UNSPS codes into this field to return exact results. Selected commodities display below the Commodities field.

    Star with solid fillPRO TIP: Select as many commodities as apply to your business. This leads to more opportunities to bid on solicitations.

    IMPORTANT: You can update these codes at any time if you are a vendor in Registered status. If you are in Active status, you must reach out to helpdesk to update your commodity codes.

    The Commodities field and the drop-down menu.

    • (Optional) Click the x to the left of the code, to remove it from your profile.
      The X to the left of a code.

    • Click the Save button.
      The Save button.

NOTE: If you have located a code on the UNSPSC website but could not find it in eMMA, please let the helpdesk know what that code is so they can add it.  Email the helpdesk at emma.helpdesk@maryland.gov.